Meeting and exhibitor information

/ Affiliated Groups: Meetings/Events, Exhibitors
The deadlines for requesting to host meetings, events, and/or have an exhibitor booth have passed.

/ Meeting or Hospitality Event
The deadline for requesting a meeting or hospitality event has passed.

/ Exhibitor Table
The deadline for requesting an exhibitor table has passed.
/ Place Materials in Convention Attendee Bags
Each attendee that is registered for the CAGOP Spring 2025 Convention will receive an attendee bag upon picking up convention credentials. The following organizations are eligible for complimentary inclusion in these bags (pending approval):
- Convention sponsors
- CAGOP Chartered Volunteer Organizations
- Organizations who have reserved meeting/reception space through the CAGOP during convention. NOTE: materials must be related to the event being held at convention.
- National Republican Party organizations such as the RNC, NRCC, and the NRSC.
To include your item in the convention bags, please do the following:
- Email a copy to the [email protected] by Friday, March 7, 2025 for approval. All attendee bag materials must be approved by the CAGOP. Any material deemed objectionable or contrary to the party’s bylaws or platform will not be approved.
- Please review the shipping policy and either ship or hand-deliver 1,500 copies of approved materials by 6:00 pm on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, to the Hyatt Regency Sacramento. The CAGOP will not arrange for or pay for the delivery of any fliers to the hotel. All organizations are responsible for their own printing and shipping costs. Any items received after the deadline are not guaranteed to be put in the registration bags
- For items being shipped to the Hyatt Regency Sacramento: Sender must email shipping tracking information to the [email protected] no later than 5:00 pm on Monday, March 10, 2025. Shipping address and instructions will be provided upon approval of the item.
- For items being hand delivered to the Hyatt Regency Sacramento: Items can be delivered to the CAGOP Convention staff onsite at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, between the hours of 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm. Drop off location will be provided upon approval of the item. Please do not leave items with hotel staff (for example, the front desk or bell desk). This will ensure that your item reaches the convention team and is placed in the attendee bags. CAGOP Staff and hotel staff are not responsible for locating lost items. CAGOP Staff will not place items received after these deadlines in the attendee bags.

/ Shipping Policy
Information on how to address any packages being shipped to the Hyatt Regency Sacramento and costs associated will be provided upon approval of the items being placed in the convention bags.
It is the sender’s responsibility to pay for any fees associated with shipping items to/from the hotel. It is also the sender’s responsibility to check on the arrival of any packages and to check to ensure that the contents are intact. The Hyatt Regency Sacramento accepts no liability for lost, stolen or damaged goods.
It is the responsibility of the sender, not the California Republican Party, to ensure that the sender’s package has arrived and is delivered to the convention staff by the stated deadlines.