California’s Delusional, Divisive Democrats
While many Democrats begin to point fingers or reflect on how they got things so wrong, one Democrat characteristically ignores it all: Gavin Newsom. In response to President Trump’s reelection with overwhelming support, he is convening a legislative special session next month because he “is ready to fight” the incoming Trump administration. Is there anyone more out of touch with Californians today?
Here’s a recap of California’s election night that Gavin Newsom chooses to ignore (with the caveat that yes, we know, there are many votes still to be counted):
Voters reject Newsom’s pro-criminal agenda. Prop. 36, which makes critical reforms to the disastrous Prop. 47, received massive support from California voters on Tuesday, including across every county, despite Newsom actively campaigning against it and trying to sabotage its chances on the ballot through poison pill amendments.

Andrew Kaczynski, CNN, 11/7/24
Additionally in Los Angeles County, voters ousted Newsom-endorsed District Attorney George Gascon “by a wide margin.” Voters in LA and across California have had enough of Newsom and California Democrats’ soft-on-crime agenda.
California moves towards Trump. While Newsom tries to scare Californians about a second Trump administration, Californians are moving in President Trump’s direction. As of Thursday, President Trump appears to have flipped several counties to red that had previously supported Joe Biden and/or Hillary Clinton. President Trump also gained huge traction with Latino and Hispanic voters across the country, but it doesn’t end there. According to the Sacramento Bee, “even in California, early data suggests that more Latinos backed Trump.” In all, as of the current vote count, California has a double-digit shift towards Trump from 2020 to 2024, the largest shift of any state in the country.
But despite these obvious warning signs for Newsom and California Democrats that voters are rejecting their policies and rejecting a fellow California Democrat at the top of the ticket, Newsom is chomping at the bit to present himself as the savior no one is asking for. After all, with fellow California Democrat Kamala Harris now sidelined, Newsom can start angling himself all over again for a White House run – something his PR machine is not so subtly pushing.

News flash for Newsom: Not only did America just soundingly reject the radical leanings of a California (and Bay Area!) Democrat, but you and your failed policies aren’t even very popular among Californians. According to an October PPIC survey, only 44% of Californians approve of the job he’s doing. Hardly a shock when you consider California has near the highest unemployment rate, highest poverty rate, largest homeless population, an affordability crisis, rampant crime and failing schools. Gas prices are also the second highest in the nation, yet Newsom’s own administration may raise prices 6-10% after a key vote happening tomorrow.
It’s not just Newsom either. While Newsom hard relaunches his shadow presidential campaign, Democrat Attorney General Rob Bonta is focused on angling himself to replace Newsom as governor. Bonta held a press conference today where he ignored the mandate of the American people, including millions in California, that declared far-left policies aren’t working for them, and announced his office is preparing to “defend” against the Trump administration.
Where did he hold that press conference? In front of the Golden Gate bridge – the most well-known symbol of the Bay Area, after the nation soundly rejected a Bay Area radical. That background under the circumstances was… well… an interesting choice.

“California Democrats like Gavin Newsom and Rob Bonta have blinders on to the message that millions of Americans and millions of Californians tried to send them on Tuesday: they are tired of Democrats’ failed policies and are ready for change. Whether Newsom and Bonta are political opportunists or simply delusional to their own failures, continuing to chart a path that ignores what voters are feeling and experiencing doesn’t bode well for their future political prospects. Out-of-touch California Democrats continue to prove their commitment to moving California away from the mainstream and down a destructive path.” – CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson