He’s got 99 problems, but a live speech ain’t one

Talk about doing the bare minimum. Tomorrow will mark 99 days since Gavin Newsom was supposed to deliver his State of the State address. In the nearly 100 days since he postponed it, the CAGOP has repeatedly called on Newsom to own up to his failures, face Californians and deliver his constitutionally-required address. Now, in an obvious effort to simply check the SOTS box, he’s taking the cowardly approach tomorrow by simply delivering a letter to the legislature (something he originally denied planning to do) and posting a pre-recorded video address to Californians. Quite a change of tone from the spectacle-obsessed guy who’s delivered his SOTS in Dodger Stadium and on a statewide tour.

So 99 days later, Newsom will continue to dodge accountability for the 99 problems –and more – our state faces thanks to his failed leadership. Here’s just a few of those reasons our cowardly governor would rather send a letter and a video than face Californians directly:

  • A majority of Californians disapprove of Newsom’s job performance while nearly two thirds think the state is going in the wrong direction, according to a new PPIC survey.
  • Days ago, Newsom successfully took away voters’ chance to have a say in new taxes and charged taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars to do so. Then, presumably knowing that chipping away at democracy is a bad look, he declared victory by avoiding reporters and only offering a prepared statement from a staffer.
  • Newsom remains hard at work trying to sabotage a qualified ballot initiative that would make critical and necessary changes to the disastrous Prop. 47 and would make Californians safer. Strategies have included: poison pill amendments, refusing to negotiate with the coalition behind the ballot initiative unless they punted it to 2026, and now potentially creating Democrats’ own crime-related ballot initiative to counter the already-qualified measure.
  • California’s Jewish population is facing such rampant antisemitism that it led to members of the Jewish community being physically assaulted outside of an LA synagogue in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood over the weekend.
  • In two years, Newsom drove California from a record budget surplus to a massive budget deficit and a declared fiscal emergency.
  • San Diego has become a top entry point for illegal immigration, and Newsom is more interested in border photo ops than actually helping to curb the crisis. PPIC shows immigration and illegal immigration is one of the most important problems facing our nation today, according to Californians.
  • On Gavin Newsom’s watch, hundreds of thousands of Californians have fled the state, and we lost a congressional seat for the first time in state history. Moving company PODS found California had the most move-outs of any state in 2024 while U-Haul named California as the number one state people are leaving for the fourth straight year.
  • California test scores showed more than half of students aren’t at grade level in English. Almost two thirds aren’t at grade level in math. More than two thirds aren’t at grade level in science. For low income and minority students, the numbers are even worse.
  • California has the lowest literacy rate in the nation.
  • California has the highest median monthly housing expense while simultaneously being among the states with the most expensive square footage. Only 17% of California households can afford to buy a median-priced home in the state.
  • California has the highest unemployment rate in the nation.
  • California has the highest gas prices in the nation, with another gas tax increase coming on July 1.
  • California has the largest homeless population in the nation.
  • California has the highest poverty rate in the nation.


We could go on and on.

“Gavin Newsom has no problem showing up to rant about Fox News or red states. Wouldn’t it be something if he gave the same consideration to Californians and showed up to tell them directly about all of the terrible things he’s done to our state and the ramifications that they’ve caused? What a coward.” – CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson



