Newsom’s Popularity Plummets

When you’ve got your eye on the White House, it’s not a great look for your home-state voters to start souring on you. That’s the reality that presidential-wannabe Gavin Newsom woke up to this morning, thanks to crushing numbers in a new Berkeley IGS poll.

At only 44%, his job approval just hit an all-time low, with his job disapproval hitting an all-time high at 49%. This also shows an 11-point decline in his approval numbers since the last Berkeley IGS poll in February.

The poll notes that Newsom’s “decline is broad-based spanning virtually all major political and demographic subgroups of the voting population.” It also shows “significant declines among the governor’s Democratic voter base and is most prominent among two of the state’s swing voter blocs – political moderates and No Party Preference voters.”

He’s also struggling to get No Party Preference support around his ludicrous leap into national politics, with only 37% favoring him taking on a more prominent role on the national stage, while 47% oppose it.

California voters have every right to be frustrated with Newsom. The Golden State continues to face a homeless crisis, surging crime, a soaring cost of living, and the second highest unemployment rate in the nation. Yet Newsom would rather jet set around the world, rub elbows with the Chinese Communist Party, and lay the groundwork for his eventual failed White House run.

Even his fellow Democrats are tired of his games, with U.S. Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) saying, besides Joe Biden, there are two Democrats running for president. “One is a congressman from Minnesota, the other one is the governor of California, but only one has the guts to announce it.”

“These dismal poll numbers underscore that Californians from all walks of life are sick of their governor who would rather focus on his own political ambitions, however ludicrous his aspirations may be, than focus on the job he was elected to do. Our once golden state continues to hurdle down the wrong path, and despite what Gavin Newsom may believe, the prescription to fix it is not more national cable news hits.” – CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson

