Spotlight on Kamalafornia

As Democrats from all over the country gather in Chicago this week, one state will be the center of attention: California. Not only is failed California Democrat Kamala Harris accepting the party’s nomination for president, but California Democrats from all over the state will be on hand, front row and prominently featured to help celebrate her coronation.

On just night one, viewers will hear from several California Democrats on the main stage.

Christopher Cadelago, Politico, 8/19/24

On top of that, Kamala’s old pal and worst governor in America Gavin Newsom will be on hand to perform the consequential task of delivering the nomination to her, in a move Politico says “was carefully choreographed by Harris’ presidential campaign” and “designed to promote the Golden State and Democrats’ unity behind Harris.”

Eytan Wallace, Nexstar, 8/19/24

Kamala is wearing her California Democrat credentials as a badge of pride, but what likely she nor any of the California Democrats speaking will care to mention is what they’ve actually done to our state. They will paint California as a liberals’ paradise and a model for the nation while ignoring the reality that Kamala, Gavin and their fellow California Democrats have instead shown the nation exactly what not to do.

Thanks to California Democrats and their disastrous policies, California has the second highest unemployment rate of any state in the nation and ranked dead last for job growth in 2023. It has near the highest gas prices in the nation. It has the nation’s highest poverty rate and largest homeless population, including nearly half of the nation’s unsheltered population. High housing costs and an outrageous cost of living have contributed to Californians deciding to leave the state by the hundreds of thousands. Violent crime rates continue to increase in the state, as do aggravated assault, car theft and robbery rates. More than half of California students aren’t at grade level in English, and around two thirds aren’t at grade level in math or science. Nearly two thirds of Californians think the state is moving in the wrong direction.

This is the Kamalafornia Democrat Party, led by their soon-to-be official nominee for president, and this is what our nation should be avoiding at all costs.

“Kamala Harris will prominently feature her fellow California Democrats this week to gaslight Americans into thinking they are the shining example of how to govern. In reality, for more than two decades, Kamala and her party have worked diligently to drive California into the ground. Despite what she believes, voters are smart enough to see through her home state smoke and mirrors and have no interest in turning the nation into Kamalafornia.” – CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson                                                                  


