Happy Anniversary, Gavin Newsom!

As Gavin Newsom marks a major milestone in his battle against homelessness, new numbers released Friday from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development highlight how truly unsuccessful he’s been.



Fox News reports that it’s been 20 years since the beginning of Newsom’s 10-year plan to end chronic homelessness in San Francisco – a mission he claimed would be his administration’s top priority as San Francisco Mayor. Flash forward 20 years and, despite a rare recent cleanup of the city to prepare for his Chinese Communist Party pal’s visit, the pervasive homeless crisis across San Francisco and across the state rages on. In fact, it’s getting worse

Even with $20 billion spent on California’s homeless crisis in the last five years, new 2023 HUD data shows that California continues to have by far the nation’s largest homeless population at over 181,000 people – growing 5.8% since just last year. While California holds nearly 30% of the nation’s homeless population, we hold almost half of the nation’s unsheltered population. The size of California’s unsheltered population is nearly eight times the size of the second-ranked state’s.

Despite claiming “I own this” homeless crisis, Newsom has repeatedly blamed everyone but himself – especially local governments. When speaking to Fox News’ Sean Hannity about the issue earlier this year, he punted the blame to California cities, saying “I’m not the mayor of California.” Just last week, he blamed local counties, saying “it’s time to do your job.” So much for owning your disastrous record, governor.

So how does Newsom feel about this underwhelming 20-year anniversary?

“Newsom’s office did not respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.”

“Now at 20 years and counting, Gavin Newsom’s record on homelessness in California can only be described as an epic failure. For someone so desperate to get a promotion to the White House, you’d think he’d first spend a little more time addressing one of the many problems he’s only made worse in California.” – CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson

