Every day is Groundhog Day in CRIMEifornia

Between brazen smash-and-grabs and violent assaults in broad daylight, it seems like every day is Groundhog Day in the once Golden State. 

Businesses are fed up and closing shop thanks to failed, pro-criminal policies championed by Gavin Newsom and California Democrats. 

Late last month, In-n-Out announced they plan to close their Oakland location, the first restaurant to shut its doors in the company’s history. The beloved California burger chain has been “victimized by car break-ins, property damage, theft and armed robberies”.

Clorox, a company that has been Oakland-based for over 110 years, has had to hire extra security just to escort employees to and from their parking garage, surrounding restaurants, and coffee shops.

Healthcare provider Kaiser Permanente went a step further issuing a memo to Oakland employees advising them to not go out for lunch, bring their own food, or have it delivered. Yikes.

It’s not just retail theft. Violent crime is down throughout the nation, but in California, violent crime is up 13%, according to a recent FBI report. 

On Monday, a man was stabbed in broad daylight on the same block as the governor’s office and steps from the state capitol building. While no arrest has been made and the victim was last heard in critical condition, the Assembly Rules Committee issued a memo to staff advising them to “walk with others” and “avoid anyone you see acting erratically or aggressively.” Which, can be extremely difficult for Sacramento residents to avoid considering the depleting and apocalyptic state of downtown.

BOTTOM LINE: Every day Californians wake up to new examples of rampant crime wreaking havoc on their communities. Pro-criminal policies are just bad for business and leave us all less safe, and under failed Democrat rule, there will be no end in sight.

