You know things are bad when…

When you’ve lost the LA Times, Sacramento Bee and Fresno Bee editorial boards, you know things have taken a turn for the worse, if you’re a California Democrat. These papers are out with scathing pieces today, criticizing Democrat Assemblywoman Mia Bonta’s unethical appointment by Speaker Anthony Rendon to chair the budget subcommittee that oversees funding for Attorney General Rob Bonta’s Department of Justice. Oh, and Attorney General Bonta just happens to be Assemblywoman Bonta’s husband.

The LA Times breaks down why this appointment is a conflict of interest for the Bontas, saying “Having Bonta chair the budget subcommittee that is responsible for proposing and overseeing the funding of her spouse’s agency is inappropriate because it can create the perception of preferential treatment.”

Since the appointment was first exposed by KCRA last week, Rendon and Asm. Bonta have doubled down on defending the appointment. Asm. Bonta even went so far as to gaslight anyone who questions the conflict of interest, calling  their assertions sexist and racist:

“Almost within my lifetime there would have been the ‘appearance of impropriety’ for me to marry my husband of a different racial background. I’m certain a woman voting ‘appeared improper’ as well in our recent history… There certainly are many examples in our legislative history where policy and budget chairs had spouses serving in another branch of government. Yet, I wonder if the reason I am being asked these questions is because I am a female legislator.”

Not only was the reporter who broke the story a “bilingual Latina with a parent who immigrated here from another country,” but the Sacramento Bee and Fresno Bee editorial boards correctly  pointed out of Bonta’s pathetic finger pointing, “It is neither a racist nor a misogynistic question to query Mia Bonta about that conflict of interest, and to insinuate that it might be is a shocking abstention of the Bontas’ ethical duty to the people of California.”

Of course, this isn’t the first time the Bontas have been in the spotlight for improper dealings between the two. CalMatters reported in 2020 that  “over several years when he was an Assembly member Rob Bonta steered more than half a million dollars to three community nonprofits that employed his wife, either directly through donations from his campaign funds and a foundation he created, or indirectly by asking companies such as Google to donate to those nonprofits.” 

It seems the Bontas didn’t learn from their previous mistakes.

“Speaker Rendon never should have made this appointment. Assemblywoman Bonta never should have accepted it. It’s as simple as that. And to continue to dig in and defend this decision, despite the ethical questions that have been raised, is unthinkable. The conflict of interest in the latest chapter of self-dealing between the Bontas speaks for itself. Assemblywoman Bonta should resign from this committee and owes those she needlessly called racist and sexist for accurately scrutinizing the appointment an apology.” - Jessica Millan Patterson, presidenta del CAGOP

