WTAS: Battleground California

As it did in 2022, the road to the U.S. House majority will once again run straight through California this November. With more target  seats  than any other state, all eyes are on California’s competitive races. And Republican candidates are doing exactly what they need to do to compete and win.

Here’s What They Are Saying in just the last week:

  • Battleground California: “California’s primary was a test run for November. It’s not looking good for Democrats.” –  Politico, 4/20/24
  • Battleground California: “Democratic incumbents and candidates in several of the most competitive U.S. House of Representatives races across California – the outcome of which will play a critical role in determining control of the chamber in the next Congress – are either swimming against the tough-on-crime tide or trying to avoid alienating a key ally,” outlining how Adam Gray, Josh Harder, Joe Kerr, David Min, Will Rollins, Rudy Salas, and George Whitesides tout the endorsement of pro-criminal group, Equality California. –  Real Clear Politics, 4/18/24
  • CA-13: “Rep. John Duarte has flipped an endorsement from a law enforcement group that he did not receive two years ago. Duarte announced that he has been endorsed by the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), which supported his opponent last time.” –  The San Joaquin Valley Sun, 4/18/24
  • CA-40 & CA-45: “Kim, Steel out-raise Democrat opponents in closely watched SoCal House races.” –  Spectrum, 4/22/24
  • CA-40: “Few [Democrat] strategists believe they can knock out Rep. Young Kim in Orange County, California, this cycle.” –  Politico, 4/24/24
  • CA-45: “Other targets in [California and New York] will be far more appealing for Democratic groups,” than Rep. Michelle Steel of California. –  Politico, 4/24/24
  • CA-47: “How an expensive bet by Emily’s List in an Orange County congressional race went awry,” outlining how Democrats’ incompetence led to major spending and a divisive primary that left Dems with DUI Dave Min –  LA Times, 4/23/24
  • CA-47: “In a fractious Democratic primary, which featured millions of dollars in outside spending, the [Democrat] party’s candidates collected 48.7 percent of the two-party vote. That — along with Democratic nominee Dave Min’s DUI arrest last year — could present an opening for GOP nominee Scott Baugh, who lost to Porter by 3 points in 2022.” –  Politico, 4/20/24
  • CA-49: Republican “Matt Gunderson is currently neck-and-neck with incumbent Democrat Mike Levin in the race for California’s 49th district” –  Daily Mail, 4/24/24

“With five pickups in the last two cycles, California Republicans are responsible for today’s U.S. House majority. Thanks to incredible Republican candidates and effective Republican incumbent members, we are ready for California to be the reason we keep and grow our House majority this November.” - Jessica Millan Patterson, presidenta del CAGOP

