Newsom Makes it to the White House
He did it! He made it to the White House! Sure, he wasn’t unpacking his bags, but that can’t stop a man from dreaming.
Just look at him taking in the wonder of the White House while getting chummy with impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Think they were talking about the “mass-release of migrants” currently happening in San Diego or how migrant encounters are up 73% in the area? You’d sure hope so, given new polling shows 78% of likely California voters believe the situation at the border is a very serious problem or crisis.
This was just one of the many crises that Newsom left behind to go rub elbows with the president he’s desperate to replace. That must be way more fun than worrying about the projected $73 billion budget deficit back home in California – nearly twice as high as Newsom wants Californians to believe it is.
It seems Californians are increasingly tired of his failures and misplaced attention. While Newsom runs his shadow presidential campaign, a new PPIC survey shows a majority of likely California voters disapprove of Newsom’s job performance. 55% think the state is going in the wrong direction.
“You have to almost envy the delusional confidence of this man who can drive his own state into the ground while thinking he has any credibility to lecture other states on how they should run things and simultaneously eyeing the nation’s top job. Californians are sick and tired of their distracted and absent governor who would rather focus on anything other than the many problems he’s created at home.” - Jessica Millan Patterson, presidenta del CAGOP