LEAKED! Biden’s Full California Schedule Released Early

SACRAMENTO – Ahead of President Joe Biden’s expected visit to California today, Monday, June 19 – Wednesday, June 21, the California Republican Party has gotten its hands on his tentative schedule of events for his three-day swing.


10:00 AM          A Time to Reflect

Biden and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi hold a moment of silence for the five California House seats lost to Republicans in the last two election cycles that ultimately cost Democrats the majority and Pelosi her job as Speaker. Republicans today hold a five-seat majority. They also reflect on California Democrats’ sixth seat lost to redistricting, the first time California has lost a seat in state history, as Californians continue to flee the state in the hundreds of thousands.

1:00 PM              The Min Spin

Biden will meet with State Senator and Congressional Candidate DUI Dave Min to brainstorm how to make CA-47 voters forget about his recent arrest for driving with a BAC nearly twice the legal limit. Lucky for Min, no Democrats have pulled their endorsements from his race, despite his reckless actions that put Californians’ lives in danger.

4:00 PM             Inflation Irritation

Biden hosts a roundtable with Californians frustrated by pesky inflation caused by his tax-and-spend agenda. Biden will explain to them that inflation is only “transitory” and not to be too stressed out over the fact that more than 6 in 10 Americans are living paycheck to paycheck while Californians are paying $1.50 more per gallon of gas than when he took office.


9:00 AM             We’re #1!

Governor Gavin Newsom walks Biden through how California continues to top all the enviable lists, including: most illiteracy, schools closed the longest during COVID, most homelessness, highest más alta, rates, most people fleeing the state, and more. He also lays out his plan to take California from having the second highest desempleo rate to the highest. 

1:00 PM              Race to the Left

As Barbara Lee, Katie Porter and Adam Schiff compete to be California’s next U.S. Senator, each has tried to position themselves further on the extreme left than their opponents and away from California’s mainstream voters. Biden took this literally and asked for a footrace between the three, promising his endorsement to whomever comes in first.

5:00 PM              He’s (not) Running, Dammit.

While Biden takes some time to rest, Gavin Newsom will meet with Biden’s donors to explain how he is totally not running for president. He’ll walk them through the strategy behind his new national PAC, his obsession with red state governors, including his recent tour of southern states, his love of talking to national media, including his Hannity sit down, and how those are clearly signs that he is, as he says, not running for president.

8:00 PM              Send-Off Party

Biden and Newsom hold a send-off party for the latest Californians fleeing the state and moving to more affordable red states. These events have become routine for Newsom who has bid farewell to 700,000 Californians in the last two years.


9:00 AM             It’s Crime Time

Biden tours the ever-increasing empty storefronts in downtown San Francisco to applaud the results of Democrats’ soft-on-crime policies that have led a high number of longtime downtown staples to close their doors for good.

12:00 PM           Friends of Fentanyl Dealers

Biden co-hosts a lunch with Assembly Public Safety Committee Chair Reginald Jones-Sawyer, celebrating the work Legislative Democrats have done to protect fentanyl dealers in California by blocking bipartisan bills that would have held drug dealers accountable for killing more than 100 Californians every week.


Vice President Harris Participation

Even though Biden’s vice president is a Bay Area Democrat, Harris will not be joining Biden’s visit to her hometown. As maybe the only Democrat with approval ratings as low or lower than Biden’s, the administration decided her participation would be counterproductive. That sound you’re hearing is Harris’ fellow Californian and totally not running for president Gavin Newsom’s exhale of relief. 

Border Visit

Unfortunately, due to limited time and no interest in going, President Biden will not be visiting the Southern Border to get an update on his border crisis that has led millions to illegally cross during his time in office.

Riding the High Speed Fail

After Biden recently announced his ocean train, he’d hoped to ride California’s highly anticipated high speed rail for motivation. Unfortunately for Biden, construction on the rail line that plans to connect Los Angeles and San Francisco, approved in 2008, continues to get delayed as the estimated cost has ballooned to as high as $128 billion.

“President Biden should feel right at home in California as a state that is struggling under the weight of radical, far-left policies that he, Governor Newsom and California Democrats have championed. It won’t matter if it’s Biden or Newsom representing Democrats on the ballot next November: voters have had enough of their out-of-touch and destructive agenda.” – CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson

