ICYMI: Trump wants Republicans to vote early. In California, that’s a message the GOP has pushed for years

Former President Donald Trump has instructions for GOP voters this fall: Cast those ballots early...

Democracy Dies in California

Gavin Newsom has a stated mission to “save this democracy,” but in the state he was elected to lead, he’s actively trying to destroy it...

CAGOP Statement on Gavin Newsom’s Gas Tax Increase

Today, California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson issued the following statement on Gavin Newsom's gas tax increase...

CAGOP Statement on the First Presidential Debate

Today, California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson issued the following statement on Governor Gavin Newsom's State of the State letter and pre-recorded video...

CAGOP Statement on Governor Newsom’s State of the State Box Check

Today, California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson issued the following statement on Governor Gavin Newsom's State of the State letter and pre-recorded video...

He’s got 99 problems, but a live speech ain’t one

Talk about doing the bare minimum. Tomorrow will mark 99 days since Gavin Newsom was supposed to deliver his State of the State address...

CAGOP Statement on Taxpayer Protection Act Ruling

Today, California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson released the following statement in response to today’s California Supreme Court ruling on the Taxpayer Protection Act...

An Unbelievably Bad Day for Dems

It’s hard to believe that a day that started so terribly for California Democrats got considerably worse as the day went on...

Lights, Camera, Action: Biden’s Hollywood Disaster

Tomorrow, President Joe Biden returns to California for a glitzy Hollywood fundraiser alongside George Clooney, Julia Roberts, former President Barack Obama...

California Democrats’ Election Interference

California Democrats are no strangers to underhanded tricks to get their way, but they may have finally outdone themselves...

In California, it’s Misery Business

Although Gavin Newsom loves to brag about California leading the nation, the truth is California under the thumb of Newsom...

CAGOP Statement on President Trump’s Verdict

Today, California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson released the following statement on today’s verdict announced in Manhattan...

CAGOP Statement on CA-20 Special Election

Tonight, CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson issued the following statement on Congressman-Elect Vince Fong’s victory in the Congressional District 20 Special Election...

Arrivederci, California!

In case you missed it, last week Gavin Newsom delivered his May revise budget showing California holding a deficit in the tens of billions of dollars, and then promptly left the country.

EXCLUSIVE California Democrat is sent a ‘DUI prevention kit’ with a breathalyzer and non-alcoholic beer on the anniversary of his drunk driving arrest by trolling Republicans

The House Republican campaign arm has delivered a 'DUI prevention kit' to state senator Dave Min, the California Democrat running to replace Rep. Katie Porter, to mark the one-year anniversary of his drunk driving arrest.

Antisemitism engulfs CA campuses; Gavin tweets about Alabama

You can’t turn on the news these days without being flooded with images of anti-Israel and antisemitic protesters taking over some of our nation’s top universities, and California is no exception.

WTAS: Battleground California

As it did in 2022, the road to the U.S. House majority will once again run straight through California this November....