If this is the best they’ve got…

If House Democrats are hoping to win back some seats in California, this hasn’t been a very encouraging week of media coverage to boost their confidence.

OC Register’s Editorial Board recently reminded readers of CA-47 candidate and State Senator DUI Dave Min’s arrest on May 2nd for driving with a BAC nearly TWICE the legal limit. While Min has lost a grand total of zero endorsements from prominent California Democrats since the night he put Californians’ lives at risk, OC Register proclaimed that Min “should step aside and resolve [his] problems before seeking political office.”

On Tuesday, it was revealed that CA-41 candidate Will Rollins’ campaign is being funded in part by billionaire and LinkedIn co-founder, Reid Hoffman, who’s been linked to convicted sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein, even visiting Epstein’s infamous island.

Not only has Hoffman already maxed out to Rollins’ campaign this cycle, but he also contributed more than a million dollars to a PAC last cycle that spent heavily to support Rollins’ last failed run against Congressman Ken Calvert. When asked for a comment by Fox News about his major support from a buddy of Epstein’s, Rollins’ campaign “did not immediately respond.” Yikes. 

It looks like a season for retread Democrat candidates in the Central Valley, with Rudy Salas announcing this week that he’s ready to be embarrassed again by Congressman David Valadao in CA-22. In CA-13, failed 2022 candidate Adam Gray is eyeing a rematch with Congressman John Duarte. But you wouldn’t know either of them were serious about running if you looked at their bank accounts.

Despite Democrats’ massive registration advantage in these districts, Gray and Salas only raised a combined $8,990.01 (Salas accounting for a measly $742 of that!) in the last three months — which is absolutely desolate compared to the war chest both Republicans are building going into 2024.

BOTTOM LINE: California Republicans have picked up five House seats in the last two election cycles. With the crop of candidates the Democrats are starting to put forward, it doesn’t look like they’re serious about winning any seats back any time soon.

