Damning DUI Dave Details Discovered

Drip… Drip… Drip… 

On the same day former Congressman Harley Rouda endorsed State Senator and Congressional Candidate Dave Min’s opponent in the CA-47 race while demanding other Democrats tell Min to drop out, the Washington Free Beacon released new details about DUI Dave’s arrest, including police records and unreleased video footage from inside the police car. 

Here’s what we learned:

  • Min had a blood alcohol concentration of .15%, almost twice the legal limit, though he told police he’d only had 1 Coors and 1 IPA.
  • The name of the registered owner of the car he was driving was the CA Senate Rules Committee.
  • During the field sobriety test, he had “slurred/slow speech,” his eyes were “red/watery,” and he had “the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his person.”
  • The arresting officer determined that Min “was so intoxicated as to be a danger to [himself] or others,” and “would be reasonably likely to continue the offense or offenses, or the safety of persons or property would be imminently endangered if immediately released.” 

Meanwhile, the newly-released video footage catches some of the conversation between DUI Dave and the arresting officers where Min says, “It was .15 man. I couldn’t even believe it. Shit, man. How many drinks is that, usually?” And also, “I assume this is all going to the Senate leadership and all that too?”

Nice to have his priorities in line where he’s more concerned about his bosses finding out than with the lives his reckless actions had just endangered.

Surely now his long list of endorsers will follow Rouda’s lead and begin to call on Min to drop out of the race, right? Not according to his campaign who noted yesterday that Min “ is proud to have the continued support from Congresswoman Katie Porter, SEIU, the California Federation of Teachers, police officers and the over 150 state and local officials and in-district leaders who have endorsed him.”

Is this true, Katie Porter? Are you still backing Min? According to the Washington Examiner, she won’t say, noting “Porter has yet to comment on the matter of Min’s DUI arrest” even though “The Washington Examiner reached out to Porter and Min for a comment.”

BOTTOM LINE: Enough is enough. It’s time for DUI Dave’s Democrat endorsers to end their cowardly silence and say definitively if they still support Min or think he should back out of the race.

