CAGOP County central committee delegate appointments

This form must be completed submitted by the current Chair, Vice-Chair, or Secretary of the Central Committee.

The 2024 General Election is now complete, and we are beginning the process of appointing California Republican Party Delegates for the 2025/2026 term. Each Republican County Central Committee in the state will have the opportunity to appoint a certain number of Delegates for the new term.

Our bylaws outline the various requirements that are considered when calculating the number of Delegate appointments your county will receive (CRP bylaws Section 2.01.01(B)(5)(9)). This form also outlines these requirements. Please complete the included questions and provide the documentation requested. This will enable us to calculate the correct number of Delegate appointments your county will receive.

Beginning in 2017, such appointments shall be made only by Chairmen of Republican County Central Committees whose regular members have filed for office with their county registrar or clerk and been elected in the most recent California presidential primary election or have filled vacancies for positions remaining open after that election process. These requirements can be found in the bylaws Section 2.01.01(B)(5) and Section 2.01.01(B)(9)(g).

According to the bylaws (Section 2.01.01(B)(5), the delegates appointed by the County Central Committee must be appointed by the newly elected and certified Chairman of each Republican County Central Committee which is organized in December or January following a general election in accordance with Sections 7441 or 7444 of the Elections Code.

We are requesting that you complete this form as soon as possible, and at the latest, by February 4, 2025. If documents are submitted after February 4th, we cannot guarantee that all appointments will be awarded in time for the organizing convention because of the time needed to verify the information. Turning these documents in sooner than February 4th will allow staff to award your appointments sooner, resulting in you being able to make your appointments sooner. If you have any questions about this information, please contact our Operations Director, Danielle Richards, at 916-448-9496 or [email protected].

This form must be completed submitted by the current Chair, Vice-Chair, or Secretary of the Central Committee. Please have all documentation prepared, as this form will need to be completed in one submission.