CA Dems’ Silence on DUI Dave is Deafening

It’s been more than two days since Californians learned of State Senator and Congressional Candidate Dave Min’s selfish and reckless decision to drive drunk, putting others’ lives at risk in the process. In the time since, his fellow California Democrats, including Congresswoman Katie Porter, have remained silent on the despicable ordeal.

DUI Dave has a lengthy list of endorsers for his CA-47 race, none of whom seem to want to comment on whether or not Min still has their support in his troubled campaign. So we’re asking again: do the Democrats who have endorsed DUI Dave still support him after his complete and total disregard for Californians’ safety?

Congressmember and U.S. Senate candidate Katie Porter, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Attorney General Rob Bonta, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Lt. Governor and 2026 Gubernatorial candidate Eleni Kounalakis, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Superintendent Of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Treasurer Fiona Ma, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Senate President Pro Tempore Toni Atkins, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Senator Catherine Blakespear, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Senator Melissa Hurtado, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Senator Josh Newman, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Assembly Speaker Designate Robert Rivas, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Assemblymember Jasmeet Bains, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Assemblymember Pilar Schiavo, do you stand by your endorsement of DUI Dave?

Californians deserve to know the answer.

