Biden’s a Bust

Just a day after poll numbers showed Californians souring on Gavin Newsom, new Berkeley IGS poll numbers out today are likely setting off alarm bells for the president who Newsom is dying to replace. With less than a year to go before the 2024 election, voters are fed up with Joe Biden, even in deep blue California – a state he won by nearly 30 points in 2020.

For the first time in his presidency, Biden’s numbers are underwater, with a majority of voters (52%) disapproving of his job performance.

Those who disapprove of Biden’s job performance span a variety of key demographics, including a majority of:

  • No Party Preference voters (55%)
  • Moderate voters (53%)
  • Voters from several regions with targeted races up and down the ticket, including: 
    • Central Valley (60%)
    • San Diego County (55%)
    • Orange County (61%) 
    • Inland Empire (62%)
  • Women voters (50%)
  • Voters in every age group from 18-65 years old
  • Latino voters (55%)
  • Asian/Pacific Islander voters (50%)

Those disastrous numbers make sense when looking at how his failed agenda is going over with Californians. On a host of major issues and by huge margins, voters are rejecting Biden’s efforts:

  • Inflation: 61% disapprove, 31% approve
  • Immigration: 60% disapprove, 30% approve
  • Economy: 55% disapprove, 37% approve
  • Fighting between Israel and Hamas: 55% disapprove, 35% approve
  • Crime and criminal justice: 53% disapprove, 32% approve
  • Relations with China: 46% disapprove, 34% approve

“You would be forgiven for thinking this poll came out of a presidential swing state, but to see such disastrous numbers in a presidential Democrat stronghold like California only reinforces what a failure President Joe Biden has been. Get ready for a year of Democrats like Congressmen Josh Harder and Mike Levin finding any way to keep their distance from their party’s toxic president.”- Jessica Millan Patterson, presidenta del CAGOP

