Chairwoman Patterson to Fox Business: White House is Anything but Transparent on Classified Documents

SACRAMENTO – This morning, California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson joined Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business’s Mornings with Maria to discuss the FBI’s November search of the Penn Biden Center looking for classified documents, and the California Democrats who are jumping into the Senate race. 

MARIA BARTIROMO: Fox News is learning that the FBI did a second search of the Penn Biden Center shortly after the first batch of classified documents were discovered at that site. This search happening in mid-November. No warrant was involved, and President Biden’s team apparently agreed to the search. It’s unclear if any further classified documents were found in that search. So far officials have discovered nearly 30 classified documents in Biden’s possession. 

Joining me right now is the Chairwoman of the California Republican Party Jessica Patterson. Jessica, people have talked about this, the American people say this is a scandal, that this was gross negligence. How do you see it? 

CHAIRWOMAN PATTERSON:  Well, I think we have more questions than answers. As more information comes out it seems like every other day, we really have more questions than answers. Karine Jean-Pierre at last count I had at least nine times since January 11th has talked about the transparency of this White House. I think it’s been anything but transparent, and I think that’s where the concerns come from American voters. We’re seeing also the hypocrisy. We saw a very different channel of events when it came to classified documents that were found at Mar-a-Lago. So, we really have more questions than answers as every single day, we get new information about these Biden documents…  

BARTIROMO: It was more election interference, Jessica? 

PATTERSON: Yeah, absolutely. And when you have Democrats on the other side who have talked about everything from Russian collusion to the Hunter Biden laptop being a plant, it’s really frustrating for the American people to have confidence in our election when our elected officials aren’t giving us all the information that they have available to them.  And President Biden has been very clear and his administration on not being transparent on this issue… 

BARTIROMO: California Senator Dianne Feinstein has yet to say whether or not she’s going to run for re-election, but top Democrats are already lining up her replacement, Jessica. Congressional members Katie Porter, Barbara Lee, Adam Schiff, all announcing their intentions to run even before we heard from Dianne Feinstein. Congressman Ro Khanna also reportedly considering. They want to run for the Senate, all of them. Your thoughts on how this shakes out. 

PATTERSON:  Well, I think it’s going to be interesting to watch. I think that it’s a little bit offensive that they are not waiting for the senior senator to make her announcement on whether or not she’s going to run. But you know, to each their own. These Democrats that are running are some of the most controversial members. When Katie Porter barely won her re-election to her very tight congressional seat, although having more than $20 million dollars in the bank. So, I think she’d be an interesting choice. Before even being sworn in, she made it pretty clear to us that she wasn’t excited about being in the Congress as she sat there reading “The Art of Not Giving an F.” While Adam Schiff has been another controversial member. This is a person who politicized the Intel Committee. He lied about Russian collusion; he lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop, and Speaker McCarthy has made it very clear he cannot be on the Intel Committee. This is someone who would not serve the state of California very well, but it will be very interesting to watch these Democrats fight it out. 

BARTIROMO:  We should also point out that when he was telling us that Trump-Russia collusion was “in plain sight” he was actually the Chairman of the Intelligence Committee. So, his words at that time really mattered. He saw more intelligence than anybody else. He saw what his ranking members saw, which was Devin Nunes, but they had completely different talking points when they went out in the media. So yes, he lied. He knew there was no evidence and still said it was in “plain sight.” Jessica, it’s good to see you, thanks very much for weighing in on all of that. Jessica Patterson joining us this morning on the corruption in plain sight. 

To view the entire interview click HERE.

