CAGOP’s California Trailblazers Announces First Candidate to Reach Trailblazer Tier: Andrew Hayes

Today, California Trailblazers, the California Republican Party’s in-house candidate development program, announced the first Republican candidate of the 2024 election cycle to reach its Trailblazer tier: Andrew Hayes (Assembly District 75). Andrew reached the highest designation in the three-tier program by meeting the required criteria: exceeding fundraising goals without personal loans, demonstrating the ability to run a strong campaign, attending at least one California Trailblazers training, completing and executing earned media, finance, legal and GOTV plans while calculating his Pathway to Victory (50% + 1).

“I am incredibly proud of Andrew Hayes becoming the first candidate in this election cycle to reach the Trailblazer tier,” said CAGOP Chairwoman and California Trailblazers Co-Founder Jessica Millan Patterson. “California Trailblazers was designed to uplift candidates and give them all the tools needed to compete and win — whether they are running for Congress, state or local office. We look forward to many more great candidates following Andrew’s lead in reaching our highest tier.” 

California Trailblazers is the CAGOP’s year-round candidate development program that helps recruit, train and elect diverse and dynamic Republican leaders in the state. The program sets rigorous goals and benchmarks for candidates to progress through a tiered program. Today 69 percent of Republicans in the state legislature are alumni of this program.

“As a native to East County San Diego and someone who has dedicated my life to promoting and advancing conservative values I believe in, running for Assembly to represent where I grew up was an easy decision to make,” said Hayes. “With the help of California Trailblazers, I have been able to strategically lay the groundwork for my campaign as I run to take on the radical Democrats in Sacramento.” 

To learn more about Andrew Hayes and his campaign for Assembly District 75, visit: https://www.ElectAndrewHayes.com.

To learn more about California Trailblazers, visit: CATrailblazers.com

