CDP: California Drunkard Party

Here’s some free advice for California Democrats: DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE.

We can’t believe we have to send another one of these emails, but another California Democrat has been arrested for a DUI! Democrat Assemblymember and LA City Council Candidate Wendy Carrillo was arrested early this morning on suspicion of driving under the influence after she crashed into multiple parked cars. The LAPD even indicated that her blood-alcohol count was “double the legal limit or more.”

Sadly, Wasted Wendy is far from alone in making the reckless decision to drive after one too many drinks. In fact, California Democrats seem to add a new Democrat to the list every few months.

Six months ago yesterday, State Senator and Congressional District 47 Candidate Dave Min was arrested for driving with a BAC nearly twice the legal limit. DUI Dave was driving a government-owned vehicle at the time and was found to  have “slow/slurred speech,” “red and watery” eyes and “the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his person.”

Two months later, Riverside Councilmember and Assembly District 58 Candidate Clarissa Cervantes was arrested for driving under the influence. This was the second DUI for Swerving Cervantes in eight years and occurred just weeks after having her first DUI dismissed by a judge, promising she would never repeat her mistake again.

To say Californians deserve better from their elected officials is an understatement. Each one of these Democrats put Californians’ lives at risk when they made the irresponsible decision to get behind the wheel and drive drunk. It’s a miracle that no one has been hurt or worse.

BOTTOM LINE: With the holidays right around the corner, instead of campaign contributions, consider donating an Uber or Lyft gift card to your favorite drunk Democrat. California drivers will thank you for it.


