California: A Criminal’s Paradise

It’s been another busy week here in California where crime continues to dominate the news cycle. Businesses from large chains to local shops are all suffering under Democrats’ pro-criminal policies. As major retailers continue to flee crime-ridden San Francisco, CNN highlighted a San Francisco area Walgreens that has the highest theft rate out of the chain’s 9,000 stores across the nation.  CNN even witnessed 3 shoplifting incidents within 30 mins. 

This Walgreens has to put items like mustard behind locked plexiglass to protect from theft, while pizza and ice cream freezers made national headlines  after workers secured them behind chains. One patron remarked to CNN, “this is just more icing on the cake telling us that rampant crime has become a regular part of life.” 

And in the state capital of Sacramento, KCRA reported that a local favorite, Bacon and Butter, was broken into for a staggering third time in just seven months. Temporarily shutting down the business to clean up the mess left behind results in a loss of revenue and leaves their employees out of work.

The restaurant owner said regarding the spike in crime across the state and the latest attack on his restaurant that at this point he is “kind of used to it” and it leaves him feeling “numb.”  

In the latest state DOJ crime report, California’s top cop, Attorney General Rob Bonta, revealed that violent crime is up 6.1% in the Golden State and property crime rose 6.2%. 

“Gavin Newsom, Rob Bonta, and California Democrats own the crime crisis surging across California. They continue to push regressive policies like Prop. 47 and Prop. 57 that make it easier for criminals to steal and not be held accountable at the expense of innocent Californians forced to live in a society where even frozen foods are secured by lock and key. Californians deserve real leadership that cares more about the victims of crime than the criminals themselves. ” — CAGOP Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson 

